Minors and Menaghs

Wednesday, December 20, 2006


This Morning when we woke up there was zero snow. Then around 7:30 it start to snow lightly. By 10 the storm was on. We had to shut down the office by Noon. If you check out the Denver News, people were just leaving their cars on the highways and walking. The Airport is closed for today and tomorrow. At 9:45 tonight we had over 24 inches and it was still going. This will not be as bad as 2003 where we had over 50 inches at our house (snowed in for two days, luckily had snowshoes to get to a store for food). This time we stocked up. Will add new pictures in the morning.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

You may or may not have noticed that I have been virtually absent from this board the last 4 months. Well, I've been a little busy baking the bun in my oven. In case you are curious, we set up a little website to keep distant relatives and friends connected to what's going on. There's not much there yet, but it will get more exciting in a few months!