HI EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!I hope everyone had a fantastic Christmas and New Years! I had my first day of classes for Spring semester today (yes we don’t start until Jan. 17th but I did start in August and go a week or two longer than most schools before Christmas).
This is my first time posting on the family blog, so I hope it is thoroughly enjoyed! If not I can find a new activity to occupy my spare time, like do my laundry or something.
Here are the Classes I’m taking this term:
Philosophy 301: Ethics
Philosophy 389: Ethics and Service Learning
PE 152: Racquetball and Tennis
BMIS 235: Management Information Systems
BUSN 235: Business Statistics
Accounting 261: Managerial Accounting
Religion 215: Christian Diversity
Today I went to Ethics, Religion, and BMIS. I picked my ethics professor because he shows a lot of movies for his class (like Mean Girls, Collateral, Tears of the Sun and others) and the readings are mostly stories (Narnia and Pride and Prejudice are two of the books). But then there’s Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics, I guess you cant take philosophy and not expect to read some Aristotle! My religion is taught by Dr Joy Milos, CSJ and she said we can call her either Sister Joy or Dr Milos. Anyways, there are five required church visits including one to a Greek Orthodox Church, and yes the service is in Greek! Tomorrow I have accounting at 8am! (I registered for the early section to get a better professor.) Then my PE and Stats classes in the afternoon. The service learning thing is a one credit philosophy elective on Mondays only. (I thought it would be a good idea to get an elective not from the PE department! haha)
This is a picture of my fish Stanley and I in my room. Aren't we cute?!?!?
It sounds like you are a busy lady! Thanks for the update, well worth the time!!! Jaime.
jaime, at 9:07 PM
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