Yesterday Francisco and I went to the DeMilitarized Zone, or DMZ between North and South Korea. The DMZ runs along the 38th parallel. Since 1953 there has been an armistice between the two countries, yet they are still considered at war. We had to sign a contract in case we got shot! Here are some pictures... The veiwing point at the border 
You have to stand behind the yellow line to take pictures...
The briefing hall
Our tour guide, we had to walk aroung in single file
The blue buildings straddle the Border, that is North Korea in the back.
South Korean Guards 
North Korean Guard, there is one with binoculars in the window
They are taping us from that tower!
This guy is a black belt 
The bridge of no return
The Axe Murder memorial. There was a guy trying to chop down a tree and the N. Koreans Ran across the bridge and chopped him up. The axes are on display in the N. Korean freedom museum.
Lovely skyline.

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jaime, at 11:52 PM
Yes, it is really sad, the base of the memorial is in the exact size and location of where the tree was. The showed us the view they were creating between two posts. The whole experience was very surreal.
jaime, at 12:13 AM
You guys have been in my thoughts this weekend. I can't believe everything that is happening in that part of the world. Now, for the love of God, stay out of the DMZ!!! lol.
PS: Jaime, for Betsy's first show and tell at kindergarten, she brought that little parasol and a picture of you.=)
Eileen, at 5:01 PM
That is really sweet about Betsy, Eileen! I have 105 days left in Korea... we went to the DMZ before the nuke business, it freaked me out a little bit too. They really aren't making a big deal about it over here, you guys probably know more than we do, we have no cable!!!
jaime, at 3:28 AM
Glad you didn't get shot! Yikes!!
Joie, at 6:46 PM
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