Hi everybody! This is so cool and I love keeping in touch with you guys, but how do we get more of our family to participate? Ben just passed his big exam and I don't think he knows about this site. Ryan, do you need more email addresses, like Ben, Theresa and my parents? What about the Newberg and Clackamas Minors? Where is everybody?! If you are reading and not commenting ("lurking") its time to make yourself known!
Actually, everyone listed as "contributors" at the right are the only ones who have signed up. There are about 8 outstanding invites that have not been accepted. Joie, Yes it would be cool if you gave me Theresa's Ben's emails etc.
The original idea was to get as many people as possible to begin with. Then everyone was to send the address of the blog to other people in their family not yet on the list. If they go to the first post I put on here, there are very simple instructions for them to sign up. They basically have to click on the "email me" link I put on there. This verifies there email address with me and I send them an invite. They click the link in there email and get signed up.
In simple form if they just get to this site and read the first post, they will be good to go in minutes.
The low turnout is probably the reason I never finished making the original full service website because I recieved nothing to put on it.
It will be better when more people get on here though. It's quick easy and fun. I check it every couple of days and its faster than email.
It's up to all of us current members to contact the rest of our family members and point them to the web address and to read post #1
Ryan Menagh, at 1:34 PM
I have outstanding invites to:
Chris Minor
Pdx Minors (not sure who this is)
These invites were sent on 4-19 though so I may need to invite them again.
come on guys!!
Ryan Menagh, at 1:50 PM
Hey, glad to see you on here Dave
Ryan Menagh, at 3:06 PM
Great idea Ryan. great way for the family to stay in touch.
Ben, at 9:02 AM
Ryan Menagh, at 9:37 AM
Mom, thanks for sending out those invites. I do already have 19 invites still unaccepted though too so I think that's everyone.
Ryan Menagh, at 3:53 PM
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